
Make your first post covid trip memorable!

Heya hodophile, the outbreak of covid has changed your world, right! You miss carrying your rucksack, dozing off in your sleeping bag… And, of course, exploring beautiful places with your loved ones? Sadly, you have been locked inside for more than a year. You are exhausted and tired of seeing the same old painted four walls of your room! Obvs, we all are communal creatures, and we love to travel. Everyone’s little world is entirely different from others, and that’s what inspires us to travel and every beautiful window of this world, isn’t it? 

Pack yourself a toothbrush dear…

So far, every industry has transformed into something that was never part of our imagination. Well, you are not the only “feeble fish” in the tank; we all are together in this, holding up since COVID-19 unfurled in the world of ours! Even so, “Hope” is the thing with feathers, and we can withstand this. So, let’s make it through together, let’s plan for the post-world of ours, let’s plan for the Post Covid World! And this time, believe us, you’ll make it a remarkable one, beyond doubt. To make traveling possible in this transformed travel industry, we came up with a few ideas. We intend to take you on board with a few tips to make your post-Covid trip successful!

Let’s not wait anymore and get started…

First things first—travel guidelines!

Guidelines. We know you have been following guidelines since the Covid outbreak, but come on, this one is a must! And let’s not forget “safety first.” There is a lot more than wearing a facemask and sanitizing your hands! So keep in step, and before packing your bags, read the guidelines by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO). Here’s the link:



Better if you’ll be ill upon these three major CDC guidelines, mentioned below :

  • “Requirement for Face Masks on Public Transportation Conveyances and at Transportation Hubs.”
  • “Requirement for Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test or Documentation of Recovery from COVID-19.”
  • “Requirement for Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination for Air Passengers.”

So, how would you love to plan your trip?

Which are the places you will visit this time, or what type of stay would you love to have? Whom are you going with, and is it safe to take children this time? Anyways, before you get confounded with all these baffling questions, hold on. We brought you options based on two significant elements required for a trip to be successful, i.e., Travel destinations and Travel accommodations.

Travel destination

You want to see the entire globe, admire the world-class art, indulge in a new culture, and love to taste different cuisine. But it is hard to decide where you want to go. Isn’t it?

  • Choose a place (country, city, or town) that is not so far. So, if by any chance any uninvited situation like curfews and lockdowns occurs, you’ll be able to travel back at your earliest.
  • The destination you choose should be suitable to meet all the activities you want to enjoy. Do make sure the desired station has all safety standards.
  • Moreover, timing is a must to ensure ( how much time you have for your trip; month, few weeks, a iek, or few days). As this is your first trip after Covid-19, do prefer a trip to a distant destination; it can be life-changing!
  • Which season would you love to travel? What is your budget? And who is traveling with you (your travel companions)? All these attributes also play a part in choosing an ideal travel destination; choose wisely.
  • If you are looking for a peaceful place, do explore google for the most peaceful countries, cities, and villages around the globe. According to the Global peace index 2021, Iceland is at the top of the most peaceful country in the world!

Travel accommodations

It is a fact that a travel accommodation, i.e., the place you’ll stay while traveling, is a must to choose before boarding in. Of course, prior arrangement is a thing, and most travel accommodation requires pre-bookings, advance payments, and conformations. We assume you have been staying home since the pandemic came into existence; come on, this is time to choose something adventurous. Travel accommodations are more than a place to sleep and keep your luggage; it is more like a temporary “home” and hence a critical element to make a trip successful.

Here are a few accommodation options you can choose to make your post covid trip a little more interesting:


Apart from hotels, why don’t you try hostels this time? Hostels are one the best for lodging. Yes, you can stay in with an affordable budget, and that too with all essential amenities. If you are a budget-conscious traveler who loves to travel solo, a hostel is a suitable option for you. By checking-in hostels, you’ll get to meet many other young travelers from all parts of the world.

Hostels can never be dull as they offer a shared social experience. You might get shared rooms, dorms, and shared eating areas. Moreover, you can expect loud music, party vibes, and group conversation as hostels are occupied mainly by young travelers. You never know who you’ll meet while staying in the hostel, so this time embrace “The Unexpected.”

And the diversification hostels shows are pretty interesting; below, there’s a list of hostels you can check in:

Party hostels: if you are a party animal, book a party hostel without a single doubt. These hostels are ill-themed and maintained, keeping party vibes in mind.

Yoga hostels: If you are looking for rejuvenation, peace of mind, a Yoga hostel will be the best place for you to stay. Unwind from life’s stress; it’s time for you to invest!

Eco-friendly hostels (Remote hostels): These types of hostels provide you with a touch of nature. The remote hostels help you keep you close to “Mother Earth.” All the facilities are provided, keeping the environment and wildlife in mind, hence called eco-friendly hostels.

Tattoo hostels: getting inked is the best way to make your trip memorable! And what can be more accessible and delightful than staying in a tattoo hostel? There are tattoo hostels; yes, they are for real! Amuse yourself with a colorful stay and get a tattoo from their very own tattoo parlor! Glee! Your love for tattoos and travel gets appreciated.


If you want to make your trip more of an adventure than a relaxing stay, camping is the very first option for you. Of course, you are out after a long time; you need a change! Camping out in the wild will help you be venturesome, and no doubt it’ll help you bring trill out of boredom. Your whole routine at home was quite monotonous; who loves monotony? Campsite offers accommodation in tents, cabins, huts, tents, and even yurts with basic facilities but restrooms, meals are primarily common.


Of course, when it comes to making your trip exciting and enriched with culture and shared social experience, homestays can also be the right choice. Homestays establish complete cultural immersion where cultures and languages get shared between the host and the guest. You will get the privilege to live in the way localities dill in their homes. With their meals, daily routines, activities, and the entire living style, you’ll feel more like a home when you lodge in with a family as a guest. What else can be more soothing, staying in a family, learning languages, tasting their food, and understanding their traditions?

Learn, share, appreciate and remember!

Traveling not only means visiting the places you have been checking on the internet for months. A trip could be successful and memorable only if you brought something back home. Yes, fridge magnets and travel postcards, and travel t-shirts are suitable to keep as a memory, but what you have learned does matter! When you return, you bring in the aroma of the place you have visited, the tint of different cultures, and a box full of instances, experience, and a few words of another language. Give yourself a break, let this trip, give yourself a treat, and make your post-Covid trip successful!

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