
How To Prepare a Holistic Approach to Glowing Skin?

healthy glowing skin

The primary goal of a skincare routine is to spot changes within yourself. It is all about controlling the damage and targeting specific areas you wish to work on, not achieving perfection. 

Most of us fail to realise that our skin changes and its needs shift with time, so should your skincare product. It is wise to choose products with a varied composition that will suit specific skin requirements. But skincare is not as complicated as your product list. It is just a three-step saga.

The three basic steps to skincare are:

  • Cleansing: To remove the dirt off your face
  • Toning: To balance the skin
  • Moisturising: To hydrate the skin

Letting these three fundamental steps become a ritual is embracing your skin. 

Although the evolution of skincare products has come far from where it started, there is still no such thing as an overnight fix! 

Two basic mantras will help curb your anxiety over slow results. 

The mantras are:

  • Don’t rush! Consistency is the key to skincare!
  • At least give six weeks of regular application to get visible results.

1. Cleansing

The basic rule is that you apply the product in the order of consistency. The order goes from thinnest to thickest. 

 Start with Cleanser! 

Cleansing is the most basic and essential step in the routine. It includes gentle washing of the dirt and pollutants off the face. It is suggested that you should start and end your day by washing your face to prevent the clogging of pores, acne breakouts, and blackhead build-up. 

Find ‘THE’ cleanser

The right product will clean your face without leaving your face devoid of essential oils. Also, take it easy on exfoliating scrubs, especially those containing abrasive ingredients such as crushed walnut shells. 

Skin Type

Cleanser Type


Oily or Acne-prone skin

Foaming wash

The light foamy wash helps clear off the excess sebum and dirt from the pores. 

Eczema prone or dry skin

Cream wash

These cleansers are enriched with oils like glycerine or shea butter. These oils remove the impurities and also hydrates the skin. 

Sensitive Skin

Oil-based wash

The oil absorbs oil. The cleansers are non-comedogenic, hydrating and are well tolerated. 

Mature skin

A melting balm

The balms are very soothing on the skin. They come in butter-like consistency but turn into liquid when applied to the skin. These can be used to dissolve heavy makeup.

Neutral to all skin types

Micellar Water

A soap-free cleanser, a staple of french routines. The cleanser attracts dirt like a magnet without causing any rashes or dryness. The best part is that you don’t need to rinse it or clean it afterwards.

The first thing that comes to mind of many on toner’s name is the astringent from the 80s. The stinging, alcohol-based product was meant to dry the oily skin and remove extra dirt.

But today’s toners are formulated as supplements; these thin liquids give an extra shot of nutrients and help absorb the other nutrients better and tune your complexion. Although the toner is entirely optional, but it is better to add additional products for great and glowy skin. 

If you are willing to go an extra mile, then mentioned are some of the hero ingredients to look forward to:

  • Alpha and beta hydroxy acids to rectify the sun-damaged skin, minimise dullness and gently exfoliate dead skin cells that have the potential to clog pores
  • Hyaluronic acid treats fine lines, boosts hydration and seals moisture.
  •  Rosewater and green tea are great ingredients that provide an anti-inflammatory effect. It calms the irritated skin and reduces skin redness.
  • Vitamin E and C are antioxidants, and they can be added to your routine to fight the free radicals responsible for skin ageing.

2. Serums:

Serums are skin’s powerful allies. They are rich inactive ingredients, which act as elixirs against several issues like wrinkles, pigmentation, blemishes etc. You don’t need to have specific problems using a serum; every skin needs an antioxidant serum. Serums are available in limitless ingredient combinations; thus, the market is flooded with options. 

Below are some serums that can be used for particular skin issues. 

  • Hyaluronic acid is a great hydrating agent! It strengthens the top layer of the skin to prevent moisture loss. 
  • Vitamin C helps to brighten up the dull skin, and it can also help lighten the dark spots after prolonged use. 
  • Vitamin B3, retinol and peptides promote the production of elastin and collagen. These are the proteins that help to prevent skin sagging and lines. 
  • Niacinamide and colloidal sulphur are used for irritation and redness; they act by controlling inflammation. The serum possesses antimicrobial effects, which helps in improving Acne.
glowing skin products

3. Moisturising

As we age, the skin loses its ability to retain moisture, and regular cleansing can leave the skin devoid of natural oils from the surface. Therefore, experts recommend using a moisturiser throughout the year because moisturisers prevent water loss and complement the naturally produced oil and other building blocks, such as ceramide. 

How to pick ‘THE’ Moisturiser?

Just like cleansers, moisturisers are skin-specific products. Moisturiser texture differs depending on the skin type.  

For example, 

Water-based moisturisers are best suited for oily skin because they are lightweight and absorbed quickly into the skin. 

Oil-based moisturisers which are heavier than lotion are best suited for dry skin. 

The classic moisturisers absorb well into the skin. Therefore, they are the best fit for normal or combination skin.

The balm has a heavier texture and is highly effective for inflamed and sensitive skin.

4. Sunscreen

Sunscreen is the most critical step of the daily skincare regimen year-round. There are multiple benefits of using sunscreen daily such as they prevent fine lines, textural imperfections and wrinkles. The most crucial role of sunscreen is that it helps prevent skin cancer formation. Experts recommend using a moisturiser with a built-in broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or more to avoid putting an extra layer.

face glow products

Is Glowing skin = Good skincare regime?

Glowing skin is healthy skin, and it is not entirely the reflection of what you put on it, but your diet too. What goes inside you is greatly reflected on your skin. For instance, consecutive days of junk eating can result in breakouts, and there is no similar impact of successive days of healthy eating.

Eat your way up to glowing skin:

At Least five portions:

Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of antioxidants, which provide you protection against antioxidants. Therefore, if you eat sufficient portions of fruits and vegetables, you can protect your skin from the damage caused by antioxidants.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has tons of benefits, such as being rich in antioxidants, boosting the immune system, etc. But most importantly, it promotes radiant and blemish-free skin. Rich sources of vitamin C are strawberries, oranges, lemon, sweet potatoes etc.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E tops the list of foods that are good for the skin. It protects skin against oxidative cellular damage and promotes healthier skin. Almonds, hazelnuts, Avocado, corn oils etc. are the richest sources of Vitamin E

Water Water Water!

Skin needs continuous hydration to stay elastic and soft; mild dehydration can cause it to go dry, tired and stretched. Apart from the moisturisers you use to keep the skin hydrated, water is essential for naturally glowing skin. It is advised to drink six to eight glasses of water daily. Some fruits and vegetables like watermelon, cucumber etc., are also rich sources of water.

Good fat

There are two types of fats: good fats and bad fats. 

Good fats or MUFA & PUFA can benefit your skin in numerous ways. They act as natural moisturisers, improve skin elasticity, are rich sources of Vitamin E, and protect skin against free radicals. Hence, not all fats are bad.

Omega 3 & 6:

Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats constitute essential fatty acids.

 Essential fatty acids can not be synthesised in the body; therefore, they need to be consumed from external sources. Chia seed, rapeseed oil and walnuts are rich sources of essential fatty acids. Ensure you get enough omega-3 and omega-6 fats because the only way you can fulfil the deficiency is through diet. The animal-based source for the Omegas is the oily fish, and plant-based sources are chia seeds, rapeseed oil and walnuts. 

Omega- 3s are emphasised because of their ability to encourage anti-inflammatory products in the body; these products act against conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

It is a ritual!

It looks like you will need to make a lot of effort to have clear skin!

But this is not the case; you need to follow a healthy routine religiously. A balanced lifestyle that includes sufficient sleep, exercise, a good diet, and a good care regime will provide you with healthy skin and a healthy body. 

If you glow from inside you, glow from outside.

Small steps every day will yield results.

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