
Top Social Media Trends to Look in 2023

social media trends

Scrolling is new entertainment!

A significant chunk of our days is spent scrolling our screens. 

The obsession with scrolling the screens has taken its toll on our lives. We spend hours scrolling and tapping our phone screens, looking for new updates, and posting new updates. One gets a 5 minutes break; there is a need to scroll to see if they have missed an update from Karren’s vacation. However, your binging is someone’s opportunity and someone’s voice.   

Social media is evolving at a tremendous rate and is instrumental in transforming our lives. Online trends and challenges change faster than the weather. Interestingly these changing trends shape our lives too. 

This piece of writing discusses a few of the social media trends that can take over the market in 2023.

Some of the trends go as follows:

An era of Patite Videos

Last year Instagram introduced reels. It was a tik tok inspired trend, where one could create and watch short videos related to various topics. The short video trend was introduced as a strategy to combat the shortened attention span of the audience by keeping them engaged for smaller periods.

The trend was widely appreciated, and other social media platforms adopted the same. For instance, Youtube introduced Youtube shorts, and Pinterest claimed that such organic videos generated more revenue. Not to mention, the trend took over the whole of Instagram and fetched considerable revenue to the app.

Even the bloggers made the best of these short videos by creating quick and engaging content, and this trend turned out as a win-win situation for everyone linked to it. Moreover, these short vertical videos successfully increase the engagement time on the app. To find the user interest, the algorithm used by the app supported this feature. 

What do you think is going to be the new trend this year?

Well, the trend and likelihood of the same tell that the reels and shorts will rule the market for another year. Predictions are that new features will be introduced to the reels, and reels will fetch a broader user base. For instance, the reels are expanding their reach to marketing, promotion, and informative domains. Major brands are using them widely to reach a vast number of customers.

Will Go Green!

 Developed economies worldwide are emphasizing climate change and its effects, and in an attempt to curb carbon release, they are setting up zero-carbon goals. The aggressive government policies in this direction encourage brands to contribute. For instance, Google envisions being a zero-carbon company by 2030. 

Many bloggers and meme pages are voicing for the same.

So the time is not far when these social media platforms will set carbon neutrality goals.

social media hashtags

Hashtag Saga will continue

Trending hashtags are a thing now!

Hashtags are omnipresent on social media. The ever-present hashtags were twitter specific but slowly came to the limelight. 

The primary purpose of the hashtag is to link the post to a specific topic, and trending hashtags can take an issue to another level of popularity. 

If you are active on social media, you must be familiar with how powerful these hashtags can be; a trending hashtag, reel, or post has the potential to become a worldwide movement. To exemplify this, in 2020, a decentralized political and social movement started in the USA against the suppression of black people. Then #Blacklivesmatter gained popularity worldwide, and people of all races and creeds supported the protest. People from different continents expressed their support through hashtags on social media.

Another example of social awareness against women suppression is the ‘me too’ movement. A few years back, a simple hashtag #Metoo gave thousands of women worldwide the courage to speak out against sexual abuse, and the results were remarkable. Many women came out and stood for themselves. 

Apart from the social issues, social taboos are also being openly discussed on social media. People are growing very vocal in their opinions on misogyny, divorce, mental illness, homosexuality, etc. 

People make reels memes, use sarcasm, write tweets, and raise the alarm about the changes society needs to accept more openly. 

This aspect of social media is for good, not stopping anytime soon. Nowadays, people are educated and aware, and they are vocal. 

More hashtags will trend, more reels will top the chart, and the world will turn more accepting, more than it ever was.

Challenges That Call Attention

In 2014 Pat Quinn and Pete Frates started an ice bucket challenge to promote awareness of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The challenge involved pouring a bucket of ice water on the person’s head either by themselves or someone else. This challenge raised charity for ALS patients. 

Similarly, not only awareness challenges but challenges like don’t rush dance challenge, 100-day challenge, 30-day workout, dalgona coffee, and the list goes on. The challenge trend grew more prevalent every day in the pandemic, and the trend has been increasing since then. 

This year there is no way that the trend is going to halt. Instead, Instagram challenges will spread its reach to other social media apps.

Another social media trend in the list for 2023 is the more and more challenges.

social media marketing

Social Commerce is an integral part, from now

Social media marketing has become an essential strategy for e-marketers and top brands. Social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook have been the favorite selling platforms for many brands. 

Instagram selling requires heaps of creativity and aesthetics because attracting people is not easy. Many start-ups are excelling at this, and their start-up has got a much-needed boost from social media subscribers. 

In 2023, access to the social media market will increase, and the purchasing of products through social media will become a standard model. Social media shopping will become a must-have marketing strategy. Beginning from shoppable posts to social media storefronts, social media is becoming the trading platform.

The Stopping Point

Social media has never failed to set new trends, and people are loyal to the trends, which makes the trends more successful. The whole play may be all about likes and follows but the red hearts on your screen influence your life more than anything. The impact will be profound even in 2023 or in the future maybe. 

It is exciting to see what this rush will lead to!

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