
Learn to Make Homespun Facial Packs for Your Daughter!

Remember the days when your grandmother or mother used to make homemade facial recipes most often on Sundays? Sad but true, we all have almost kept those homemade skincare solutions somewhere in the corner. We have nearly abandoned these homemade facial packs, haven’t we? Of course, the internet is full of skin products; who’s going to make an effort for those homemade skincare recipes if you get something instant.

But have you ever given a thought to why all these synthetic products won’t make any difference? Even though sometimes they do, you would agree that they also bring or worsen skin conditions like acne and dryness. No offense, but yes, they do! 

Ok, not weighing out between both synthetic and natural and let’s move forward without making any further fuss.

In-home skin spa!

Ahem, you are looking for some homemade facial packs, aren’t you!

Well, you are in between festivities and merrymaking? Dresses, footwear, jewelry is all set down, but your very teenage daughter is not really happy and her lifeless, dull skin. She’s worried that this will prevent her from looking her best. But you don’t really want her to use chemical-based skin products yet. I mean, everyone believes, and of course, it is genuine; teens’ skin could be at risk if exposed to these chemically made cosmetics. 

You’ll definitely be worried if your kid starts using cosmetics too early. Exposures to chemicals like  Parabens, Phthalates, Formaldehyde, and what sounds so horrible! Can you even imagine all these on your daughter’s face? 

Hormones work double-quick time to develop the reproductive system within the endocrine system, the brain, bones, blood, and immune system. Needless to say, It’s a delicate time that can easily be destroyed if exposed to such chemicals. I mean, juvenescence is obviously a pivotal time in the growth of humans! 

Even though cosmetic procedures significantly impact skin at a certain age. Wrinkles, sagging, and aging is really not part of your young lady’s life right now; don’t make her take the part of the cosmetic panorama just now. Let’s try some old school skincare tips and solutions for your girl. Here you go…

First and foremost!

Know her skin type!

This is so usual yet important to know the skin type. Dermatologists, too, recommend learning the skin type before using any natural or synthetic skincare product. So make sure you and your daughter keep the skin type in mind before trying any skin care recipe, natural or artificial, no matter what! Sometimes, even the natural ingredients can be incompatible; they won’t be as effective and aggravate skin conditions.

Don’t worry; you’ll be able to understand what type of skin your daughter has quickly. 

The type of skin basically depends on the amount of water and oil in the skin. Suppose, if the skin appears shiny and has too much oil, it may be an oily skin type, i.e. more prone to acne outbreaks.

Here’s how to make spa-worthy face masks

You know what the secret of glowing  and healthy skin is hidden in your pantry! Try these three easy to make straight from the kitchen skin care recipes, and give your teen a healthy and glowing skin.

1.Tomato & Lemon Face mask

This is one of the most basic yet effective face packs  that you can make in a jiffy. I mean just a tomato and a lemon to get a salon-like effect. This pack will help in removing tan on the skin, leaving it brighter and beautiful. You can even use this on your skin. Bingo!

All you need is; Tomato puree (one tomato) and two tablespoons of lemon juice. 

Here are the steps:

  • Mix the above mentioned ingredients well and you can add a few drops of honey too, and apply on her face and neck.
  • 20 minutes, wait wait wait! 
  • Then wash it off with cold water.

2. Avocado Face Mask

Besides eating guacamole or spreading it on a warm piece of toast, avocado can be used on the skin. The benefits are many: this super nutritious fruit contains fats, vitamins, and minerals. 

Here are the steps:

  • Grab an avocado from your fridge and eliminate the pit from the half-cut avocado.
  • Gently scrape the fruit’s flesh into a bowl, and mash it until you obtain a creamy and smooth paste without any lumps using a fork.
  • You can also add one tbsp. honey and olive oil. (optional)
  • Needless to say, do let your daughter wash her face before applying the pack! 
  • Apply the avocado pack on her clean skin and let it for almost 10-15 minutes.
  • Right after, wash off her face with plain water.

Already warning!

Prefer a patch test before applying avocado as it might not be the right fruit to suit her skin; if she has a skin allergy to avocado, please don’t use it!

3. Egg white Face Mask

This is your daughter’s age when she gets tons of blackheads and pimples; well, egg white got it covered! All you need is an egg (basically the egg white), just a spoonful of lime juice. 

Here are the steps:

  • Beat the egg white with a beater until it turns frothy, and add lime juice to it.
  • Apply the mixture gently to your daughter’s face and leave it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Finally, make your child wash off the pack with warm water.

Also, below are a few things to consider while using homemade face packs:

  • Make sure you use fresh ingredients always while making these packs.
  • Don’t keep face packs for a long time after making them; use them on the same day and don’t store them for later use.
  • You can make a new pack when you want to use it again.
  • Forget not to wash your (her) face with gentle soap before applying any pack.
  • While applying face packs, don’t cover sensitive areas like areas around the eyes.
  • When it comes to rinsing, always do that with regular or lukewarm water to remove the pack, pat dry the skin, and always finish with a rosewater spray.
  • If you (she) feel the skin is getting dry, try applying a small amount of moisturizer or almond oil; virgin coconut oil might help.

The bottom line

Adolescence can be quite tough on the skin for many, but it’s not impossible to keep it healthy and fresh. Apart from regular beauty care, it is equally important to drink lots of water and get a good amount of sleep, rest, and exercise; make sure your daughter follows this too! Taking good care of her skin early on will prevent long-term complications and help your child retain youthfulness for a long time.

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